Margherita Centonze
Giacomo Tazzini
Michelle Usai
Viola Madonna
Rafael Bresciani
Morag Carver
Lorenzo Antei
Alessandro Destro
kumicky Kazuha
Saba Rabie
John Bold
Giulia Coviello
Margherita Centonze
Giacomo Tazzini
Michelle Usai
Viola Madonna
Rafael Bresciani
Morag Carver
Lorenzo Antei
Alessandro Destro
kumicky Kazuha
Saba Rabie
John Bold
Giulia Coviello
Anomaly. Irregularity, deviation from the general rule, or from a structure, from a type considered normal. Man is guided by a variety of factors, such as emotions, beliefs, religion, and social context. Factors like these can create barriers and hinder the ability to effectively learn from one’s mistakes. In addition, changes require an often unfathomable sacrifice.
Misalignments, deviations from the line, are often sources of contamination and enrichment. Anomalies can challenge our preconceived ideas or traditional beliefs about reality. When we encounter something unexpected or that does not fit our mental patterns, we are forced to reconsider our beliefs and seek alternative answers. This process, through the acceptance of new ideas and creative flows, challenges the universally known and shakes the status quo. Anomalies can instill courage to face reality.